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Privacy Policy

Maasai African Guides & DMC Ltd Privacy Policy

Effective Date: March 27, 2024


Maasai African Guides & DMC Ltd (“the Company,” “we,” “us”) takes your privacy seriously. This Privacy Policy explains what kind of personal information we collect, how we use it, who we share it with, and your rights concerning your data. This policy applies when you book a tour with us directly or through our partners.

1. Personal Information We Collect

  • Contact Information: Name, email, phone number, address.
  • Travel Preferences: Destination, travel dates, accommodation types.
  • Booking Details: Tour itinerary, payment information (excluding full credit card details).
  • Dietary and Medical Information: Allergies, restrictions, pre-existing conditions relevant to the tour.
  • Passport Details: Necessary for securing permits and visas.

2. How We Use Your Information

  • Tour Booking and Planning: To arrange accommodations, transportation, permits, guides, and ensure a smooth trip.
  • Communication: To provide updates, confirmations, essential trip information, and answer your questions.
  • Personalization: To tailor your experience based on your preferences and past tours (if applicable).
  • Safety: To address health or dietary needs, and for emergency contact purposes.
  • Legal Compliance: To adhere to regulations and requirements of destinations visited.

3. Sharing Your Information

We share necessary information with trusted third parties to provide our services, including:

  • Government Agencies: To obtain permits and comply with travel regulations.
  • Accommodation Providers: Hotels and lodges to secure and personalize your stay.
  • Local Partners: Ground transportation providers and guides for tour logistics.

We will never sell your data and only share it when essential for fulfilling your tour arrangements.

4. Protection of Your Information

We implement security measures to safeguard your data, including:

  • Data Encryption: During transmission and storage as applicable.
  • Limited Access: Only authorized personnel have access to your information.
  • Regular Reviews: We review and update our security practices.

5. Your Rights

You have the right to:

  • Access and Request Copies: View the personal information we hold about you.
  • Correct Inaccuracies: Update any incorrect information about yourself.
  • Request Deletion: Ask us to delete your data in specific circumstances.
  • Restrict Processing: Limit how we use your data in certain situations.
  • Withdraw Consent: Revoke your consent to data processing when consent is the legal basis.

6. International Data Transfers

Your information may be transferred to, stored in, and accessed from countries outside your location. Privacy laws in these destinations may differ. We implement safeguards to ensure your data remains protected regardless of location.

7. Children’s Privacy

We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 18 without parental consent. If you are a parent/guardian booking on behalf of a minor, you take full responsibility for providing accurate information and securing appropriate permits.

8. Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy. Updates will be posted on our website with the revised effective date. Significant changes will be communicated to you.

9. Contact Us

For questions or to exercise your rights, please contact:

  • Email:
  • Phone: +255784390831
  • Mail: Maasai African Guides & DMC Ltd P.O. Box 16340, Sombetini, Arusha, The United Republic of Tanzania
  • Fill out contacts form 

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